Hiveworks Comics

Page 105
Posted November 18, 2020 at 1:00 am

Thanks for your patience on this one, folks! I don't normally drop a week without any mention, but if 2020 is anything, it's not according to plan, huh.

Originally I had hoped to finish out November's updates before taking a much-needed break, but unfortunately that's not what's happening. My wrist issue from October put me seriously behind, and is still flaring up (albeit way less seriously) at too much use. Physical health stuff aside, I really... haven't... taken a break, this year - between various pandemic-related life crises, relaunching, and the general mental strain we're probably all under right now.

So! I'll be taking the rest of this month and the next 2 months (December/January) off - rebuilding my buffer, taking care of my health and working on some pretty fun freelance & personal projects I hope to share more of soon. The Patreon campaign will be paused for December, as well - so while you are always welcome to join, and I deeply appreciate the support, there won't be brand new Patreon content after this month until 2021. (Further details over on Patreon, but never fear - the Discord server will be right where it's always been!) 

I hope all of you have an extra-safe and happy holiday season, regardless of how weird things are right now. And thank you so, so much for being here, whether you're a new reader or old. As crap as things have often been, I'm extremely thankful to have put this comic in front of so many new people, and that what I'm doing means a lot to so many of you. 

As always, you can follow me on twitter or instagram, if you'd like to see what I'm up to in the interim. See you in a hopefully better year <3
